Press Releases

Executive Director Josh McNeil recaps election results

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania is making the environment a top priority across the Commonwealth.


Conservation Voters of PA endorses Ginny Kerslake and Marian Moskowitz for Chester County Commissioner

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania (CVPA), believing that the environment should be a top concern for voters, candidates, and the media in every election, is pleased to announce the endorsement of Ginny Kerslake and Marian Moskowitz for Chester County Commissioner.

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Pennsylvania’s Environmental Community: Nuclear Bailout Bill Not the Climate and Clean Energy Solution Pennsylvanians Deserve

[HARRISBURG, PA] – Representative Thomas Mehaffie III (R-Dauphin) today introduced legislation that would prop up Pennsylvania’s struggling nuclear power plants by adding a third tier for nuclear energy to the state’s Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards (AEPS). Three Mile Island and Beaver Valley are expected to close in 2019 and 2021 respectively.

The following environmental and clean energy advocacy groups issued the statement below in response to the proposed legislation: Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, Clean Air Council, PennFuture, PennEnvironment, Keystone Progress, Clean Water Action, Physicians for Social Responsibility Philadelphia/Pennsylvania, Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania, and the Philadelphia Solar Energy Association.

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Conservation Voters of PA Announces Delegation Scores from LCV’s 2018 National Environmental Scorecard

Conservation Voters of PA today released the Pennsylvania delegation’s scores on the League of Conservation Voters’ 2018 National Environmental Scorecard. The Scorecard is the primary yardstick for evaluating the environmental records of every member of Congress, and is available for download here, in Spanish here, and online at

"As the Trump administration continued its assault on our most important environmental protections, Senator Toomey refused to stand up for Pennsylvania’s air, water, land, and wildlife" said Conservation Voters of PA’s Executive Director Josh McNeil. "Instead of rubber stamping a polluter agenda, we need our representatives in Congress to fight for the health of our communities, the beauty of our state, and the future of our economy — and thankfully we can count on Senator Casey to push back. We’re more determined than ever before to hold members of Congress accountable for putting polluters ahead of our families."

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As Philadelphia City Council prepares to vote on a controversial fossil fuel project this week, major environmental groups announced that a vote in support of this project will automatically disqualify incumbent councilmembers from receiving the organizations’ endorsements.

Representing many of Philadelphia’s largest citizen-based environmental organizations, PennEnvironment, Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania, Clean Water Action, and the Sunrise Movement joined together to make today’s announcement.

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Jordan Yeager Earns Environmental Endorsement

Today, Conservation Voters of PA endorsed Jordan Yeager for Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in Bucks County. This is the first time in its 10 year history that Conservation Voters of PA has endorsed a candidate for Court of Common Pleas. 

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Pennsylvania Elects 24 New Pro-Environment Candidates; Secures Key Victories in Southeast PA

Today, voters went to the polls and soundly rejected gubernatorial candidate Scott Wagner’s extremist anti-environmental agenda and elected 24 new pro-environment leaders to the state house and senate. Forty three of Conservation Voters of PA’s 56 endorsed pro-environment candidates won their elections, with one race still too close to call. Governor Tom Wolf was handily re-elected over climate-change denier Scott Wagner, and voters elected environmental champions across the Commonwealth.

Continue Reading Report Reveals Millions in Donations to State Elected Officials from the Fracking Industry

The project today released its latest report detailing donations from the fracking industry to state candidates and elected officials. The report highlights that since 2007, members of the Marcellus Shale Coalition and other companies that profit from fracking have spent $69.6 million since 2007 to lobby Pennsylvania’s state government. Lobbyists, PACs and executives from these companies donated $11.2 million to campaign committees registered with the state.

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Conservation Voters of PA Endorses Governor Tom Wolf for Re-Election; Mayor John Fetterman for Lieutenant Governor

Today, Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania is proud to endorse Governor Tom Wolf for re-election and Mayor John Fetterman for Lieutenant Governor. “Over the last four years, Governor Wolf has advanced key policies that have made Pennsylvania a greener and healthier place in which to live,” said Caren Glotfelty, Board Chair of Conservation Voters of PA.

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Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania Launches Ad Campaign to Urging Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation to #SaveLWCF

As the clock ticks down on the expiration of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) on September 30th, Conservation Voters of PA announced new print and digital ads and a targeted mail campaign urging Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation, including Reps. Conor Lamb (D-18) and Keith Rothfus (R-12), to support permanent reauthorization and full funding for the nation’s best parks program.

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Conservation Voters of PA Endorses Mike Zabel for State Representative

[Philadelphia, PA] – Today, Conservation Voters of PA endorsed Mike Zabel (D) for State Representative in Delaware County’s 163rd District. Conservation Voters of PA represents thousands of individuals in the Commonwealth who are committed to clean air, land, energy, and water, and prepared to vote for candidates who reflect those values.

“The 163rd district deserves a State Representative who cares about clean air, land, and water,” said Caren Glotfelty, Board Chair of Conservation Voters of PA. “If elected, I know that Mike will stand up for the rights of his constituents, and against polluters.”

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