Pennsylvania is home to some of the most beautiful landscapes in the United States. Our extensive system of state parks (200,000 acres), state forests (2.2 million acres), and state game lands (1.5 million acres) creates a web of protected land that ensures that Pennsylvania’s natural beauty remains accessible to the public and will be preserved for generations to come. Our public lands naturally filter the water we drink and provide habitat for native animals, fish, and plants. Protected parks have helped create a thriving tourism industry, and Pennsylvania is a destination for hunters who support local businesses.
However, our public lands are under attack. Private corporations exploit our forests and game lands to make billions of dollars, and our state has opened our parks for extensive mineral development to make up for budget shortfalls. These interests would prefer to open up even more land for exploitation, threatening to permanently alter the landscape and recreational opportunities these resources provide.
Preserving these spaces reduces destructive flooding, protects our drinking water supply, and promotes outdoor recreational activities that provide substantial economic and public health benefits. That’s why advocating for sustainable funding for preserving open space, farmlands, and public parks is a huge part of what we do. Together, we must fight to protect Pennsylvania’s natural beauty for our children and grandchildren.