We’re fighting in across the state, in Harrisburg, and in Washington, D.C. to keep our water clean, but there are many ways you can do your part to help right in your own home and backyard.
- Cut down on wasted water by turning off the faucet when you brush your teeth and take shorter showers.
- Make sure you sort your recyclables! This helps cut down on plastic pollution, which harms our streams and rivers.
- Use a rain barrel to water your lawn and plants and keep high levels of water out of our sewers.
- Dispose of hazardous materials responsibly. This includes proper use and disposal of motor oil, medicines, and household cleaners.
- If you have a yard, use native plants which are suited to our local environment and need less water, and avoid using pesticides and chemical fertilizers whenever possible.
- Incorporate green infrastructure wherever you can. For example, plant a rain garden along your driveway, sidewalk, or street.
- Talk to your neighbors! You and your community can make the difference between a stream being healthy and thriving or polluted and troublesome.