Delaware River Watershed Racial Justice Resource Hub

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Stereotypes and racial bias in hiring and promotion are damaging at personal, career, and organizational levels.

(Organizational Culture) (Racial Justice)

Sian Wu lays out nine critical questions to ask before embarking on a multicultural communications project, and offers tips for goal setting, development, partnerships, research, execution and creative.

(Organizational Culture)

Watch a conversation exploring the history and trajectory of radical Black Women’s activism and organizing around racism, sexism, and homophobia.

(Gender Justice) (LGBTQ Justice) (Racial Justice)

The Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed has put together a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) Messaging & Social Media Guide. It is a resource to help and guide organizations in talking about DEIJ and different environmental topics. The messages and tips below are evergreen; they are not about one specific event or holiday and can be used throughout the year. 

(Organizational Culture)

This guide is for managers looking to build (more) supportive and functional relationships with their staff. We believe that relationship-building is a core competency for effective management (equitable, sustainable, and results-driven). This means that even though it’s a two-way street, it’s the manager’s responsibility to drive and prioritize the work of relationship-building.

(Organizational Culture)
Longform resource on driving racial equity within an organization.
(Organizational Culture) (Racial Justice)
Describes how antisemitism forms the theoretical core of white nationalism, and how the system of racism works within white nationalist groups.
(Religious Diversity) (Racial Justice)
This piece provides ten examples of what 'fakequity' - 'fake equity' - looks like, and offers suggestions of what to and not to do in terms of mindfulness while being white and dealing with equity and equality.
(Organizational Culture) (Racial Justice)
"The Sum of Us” is predicated on the idea that little will change until white people realize what racism has cost them too.
(Racial Justice)
This article breaks down what tokenization looks like in nonprofit organizations, and how it is mistakenly not seen by white professionals as racism.
(Racial Justice) (Organizational Culture)