CVPA Lauds Clean Energy Action by Gov. Shapiro, Pro-Environment Legislators

Contact: Anthony Campisi
(732) 266-8221

CVPA Lauds Clean Energy Action by Gov. Shapiro, Pro-Environment Legislators

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania Executive Director Molly Parzen has issued the following statement regarding the introduction of a clean energy legislative package in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives:

Once again, pro-environment legislators in the state House of Representatives are demonstrating their commitment to tackle climate change by introducing two bills that will help Pennsylvania meet Governor Shapiro’s clean energy goals.

Taken together, these bills would put Pennsylvania on a path to generate 35% of its energy needs through clean energy by 2035 while also establishing a state cap-and-invest program that will limit carbon pollution while investing in clean energy programs. These two programs would put union members to work across the commonwealth installing new renewable energy sources while keeping energy costs down for working families and local businesses.

While details of the proposals need to be worked out in committee, we are pleased that Governor Shapiro and House Democrats brought together environmental advocates and organized labor to agree on a shared vision, recognizing that investing in clean energy will create union jobs and secure Pennsylvania’s economic future.

We look forward to working with the bills’ sponsors, committee members, legislative leadership and Governor Shapiro as these proposals make their way through the legislative process.

Now it’s time for the Senate to get off the sidelines and work with Governor Shapiro and House Democrats on building a clean energy future that delivers economic prosperity for Pennsylvania families.
