CVPA hails House passage of bipartisan community solar legislation to benefit local businesses, working families and climate

Contact: Anthony Campisi 
(732) 266-8221


CVPA hails House passage of bipartisan community solar legislation to benefit local businesses, working families and climate

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania Executive Director Molly Parzen has issued the following statement in response to the passage of bipartisan community solar legislation by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives today:

Today marks an important milestone in the fight to build a clean energy future in Pennsylvania, as a bipartisan majority in the state House of Representatives approved historic community solar legislation.

Community solar will help tackle the climate crisis while creating union jobs and lowering costs for local businesses and families by expanding access to solar energy to communities across our Commonwealth.

This legislation will give working families in Pennsylvania more energy choices, which will help them save money on their energy bills — particularly people of color and low-income households. And it helps position our commonwealth to lead in building the clean energy economy of the future, helping our workers compete for jobs in growing green energy industries.

We’re now calling for swift action from the Senate to quickly send this bipartisan bill to Governor Shapiro’s desk so we can put people to work expanding clean energy choices and reducing energy costs for Pennsylvanians.
