Tim Kearney
Tim Kearney is running for State Senate in the 26th district in Chester and Delaware Counties.
Tim has been a long time leader in Swarthmore Borough. He is serving his second term of Mayor of Swarthmore and has served on the Board of Borough Planning Commissioners for seven years.
Tim has been practicing environmental sustainability as an architect for over 30 years, utilizing green building and sustainable practices. When elected to the State Senate, he will fight for stronger laws to protect clean air and water, a severance tax that would put more money in the hands of the DEP, and increased investment in sustainable energy sources.
Tim won in a tough primary race, and faces a challenging election in November against an incumbent who has a lifetime environmental score of 56 percent. Tim has already proven that he is a true environmental champion, and we urge the voters in the 26th District to send him to Harrisburg.