Stefanie Rafes - HD-187

Stefanie Rafes

Stefanie Rafes is running for State Representative for the 187th State House District, which is a part of Lehigh County.  

Stefanie has spent her career in the cardiology field, helping to mentor students in Pennsylvania through the clinical process. After moving back to the Lehigh Valley following the loss of her father, Stefanie’s love for the region’s natural beauty has only increased. She spends her days hiking, gardening, and paddleboarding.

As a State Representative, Stefanie will support the expansion of renewable energy manufacturing and deployment, which will help decrease harmful pollution and promote job growth so that people across the state can thrive. She will also work to help reduce harmful plastic waste that is contaminating our water and soil and will fight back against the rapid warehouse expansion that has changed the landscape throughout the Lehigh Valley.

Stefanie will be a strong advocate for the environment in the State House. We strongly encourage voters of the 187th District to vote for her in November.

Paid for by Conservation Voters of PA Action Fund.