Mark Temons - SD-31

Mark Temons

Mark Temons is running for the 31st Senate District in Pennsylvania, which is a part of York and Cumberland Counties. 

Mark has been a lifelong environmental justice advocate. Being trained as a carpenter, he has helped to build homes in South-Central Pennsylvania and specializes in sustainability, energy efficiency, and historic preservation. He has also advocated for increased accessibility in home improvement project designs.

Mark will continue his life's work in the state Senate, where he will fight to expand access to renewable energy and reduce harmful runoff in our water and soil. Through his prior experience, Mark has learned that solar panel installation is one of the best ways to provide jobs, and he will fight to implement the Solar for Schools grant program and federal funds from the Inflation Reduction Act. 

Mark has demonstrated he will be a fierce advocate for the environment in Harrisburg. We urge voters of the 31st Senate District to elect him in November.

Paid for by Conservation Voters of PA Action Fund.