Joe Webster - HD-150

Joe Webster

Representative Webster is running for reelection for the 150th State House District, which is a part of Montgomery County. He earned a 100% on the 2021-2022 Scorecard.

Rep. Webster is an Air Force Veteran and was first elected to the state House in 2018. He is a member of the Climate Caucus and has been a strong advocate for protecting the Schuylkill River and enacting a methane gas severance tax. Rep. Webster has worked with CVPA staff to introduce legislation that will help train veterans in green energy and conservation jobs, introduced bills to protect riparian buffer zones, and helped to expand access to transportation electrification planning resources.

Rep. Webster has been a strong environmental champion, and we encourage the voters of the 150th district to send him back to Harrisburg to keep fighting for you.

Paid for by Conservation Voters of PA Action Fund.