Bill Petulla - HD-28

Bill Petulla

Bill Petulla is running for State Representative for the 28th State House District, which is a part of Allegheny County. 

Bill started his career as a parental rights advocate in the courts system and worked his way up to serve as a criminal prosecutor in Allegheny County’s District Attorney’s office. Working in the DA’s office, Bill worked to increase the diversity of the office’s staff and to increase access to implicit bias training for members of his team.

Bill supports increasing funding for energy efficiency technology for public institutions and private businesses. He will also advocate for increased funding for public transportation agencies in the 28th District and across Pennsylvania to help farmers secure funding and resources for sustainable agriculture practices, and will be a strong advocate for the environment. We encourage voters of the 28th House District to vote for him in November.

Paid for by Conservation Voters of PA Action Fund.