Anna Thomas - HD-137

Anna Thomas

Anna Thomas is running for State Representative for the 137th State House district, which is a part of Northampton County.

Anna had a calling for public service at a young age. After serving as the student representative to the Bethlehem Area School Board, she received her bachelor's degree in chemistry and her Master of Public Administration. If elected, she hopes to use her scientific background and knowledge to help educate legislators on the dangers of climate change.

Anna doesn’t believe the environment should be a partisan issue and will work to expand access to renewable energy to communities in her district and fight to preserve our air, water, and land. She will also champion tax incentives for green infrastructure development and deployment.

Anna will be a fierce advocate for the environment in Harrisburg, and we urge voters in the 137th District to elect her in November.

Paid for by Conservation Voters of PA Action Fund.