Albert Leach - HD-147

Albert Leach

Albert Leach is running for State Representative for the 147th State House District, which is a part of Montgomery County.

Albert has been a small business owner for over 20 years and worked as the Athletic Booster Club president where he raised over $100,000 for a local school district. He later served on the Pottsgrove School Board for eight years.

As a State Representative, Albert will support investing in electric vehicle charging infrastructure, which will take more cars off the road, reduce harmful emissions, and make the air safer to breathe especially for people in cities and near highways. He also supports expanding workforce development opportunities for jobs pertaining to clean energy and natural infrastructure. Albert is also a big supporter of preserving open space and will introduce legislation to ensure municipalities have the funding and resources needed to preserve their land from overdevelopment and pollution.

We know Albert will be a fierce advocate for the environment, and we encourage the voters of the 147th District to send him to Harrisburg in November.

Paid for by Conservation Voters of PA Action Fund.